Nadesłany przez Tomasz Lubiński, 06 października 2005 01:00
Kod przedstawiony poniżej przedstawia główną część rozwiązania problemu.Pobierz pełne rozwiązanie.
Jeżeli nie odpowiada Ci sposób formatowania kodu przez autora skorzystaj z pretty printer'a i dostosuj go automatycznie do siebie.
// // @author Tomasz Lubinski // // (c) 2005 // // PESEL // program Pesel_d; {$APPTYPE CONSOLE} uses SysUtils; var PESEL : array [0..10] of Integer; valid : boolean; PESELStr : String; function getBirthYear(): integer; var year : integer; month : integer; begin year := 10 * PESEL[0]; year := year + PESEL[1]; month := 10 * PESEL[2]; month := month + PESEL[3]; if (month > 80) and (month < 93) then year := year + 1800 else if (month > 0) and (month < 13) then year := year + 1900 else if (month > 20) and (month < 33) then year := year + 2000 else if (month > 40) and (month < 53) then year := year + 2100 else if (month > 60) and (month < 73) then year := year + 2200; result := year; end; function getBirthMonth(): integer; var month : integer; begin month := 10 * PESEL[2]; month := month + PESEL[3]; if (month > 80) and (month < 93) then month := month -80 else if (month > 20) and (month < 33) then month := month - 20 else if (month > 40) and (month < 53) then month := month - 40 else if (month > 60) and (month < 73) then month := month - 60; result := month; end; function getBirthDay(): integer; var day : integer; begin day := 10 * PESEL[4]; day := day + PESEL[5]; result := day; end; function getSex(): string; begin if (valid) then if (PESEL[9] mod 2 = 1) then result := 'Mezczyzna' else result := 'Kobieta' else result := '---' end; function checkSum(): boolean; var sum : integer; begin sum := 1 * PESEL[0] + 3 * PESEL[1] + 7 * PESEL[2] + 9 * PESEL[3] + 1 * PESEL[4] + 3 * PESEL[5] + 7 * PESEL[6] + 9 * PESEL[7] + 1 * PESEL[8] + 3 * PESEL[9]; sum := sum mod 10; sum := 10 - sum; sum := sum mod 10; if (sum = PESEL[10]) then result := true else result := false; end; function checkMonth(): boolean; var month : integer; begin month := getBirthMonth(); if (month > 0) and (month < 13) then result := true else result := false; end; function leapYear(year: integer): boolean; begin if (year mod 4 = 0) and (year mod 100 <> 0) or (year mod 400 = 0) then result := true else result := false; end; function checkDay(): boolean; var year : integer; month : integer; day : integer; begin year := getBirthYear(); month := getBirthMonth(); day := getBirthDay(); if ((day >0) and (day < 32) and ((month = 1) or (month = 3) or (month = 5) or (month = 7) or (month = 8) or (month = 10) or (month = 12))) then result := true else if ((day >0) and (day < 31) and ((month = 4) or (month = 6) or (month = 9) or (month = 11))) then result := true else if (((day >0) and (day < 30) and (leapYear(year))) or ((day >0) and (day < 29) and not(leapYear(year)))) then result := true else result := false; end; procedure PeselValidator(PESELNumber: String); var i : integer; begin if (length(PESELNumber) <> 11) then valid := false else begin for i := 0 to 10 do PESEL[i] := StrToInt(PESELNumber[i+1]); if (checkSum()) and (checkMonth()) and (checkDay()) then valid := true else valid := false; end; end; begin writeln('Podaj numer PESEL'); readln(PESELStr); PeselValidator(PESELStr); if valid then begin writeln('Numer PESEL jest prawidlowy'); writeln('Rok urodzenia: ' + IntToStr(getBirthYear())); writeln('Miesiac urodzenia: ' + IntToStr(getBirthMonth())); writeln('Dzien urodzenia: ' + IntToStr(getBirthDay())); writeln('Plec: ' + getSex()); end else begin writeln('Numer PESEL jest nieprawidlowy'); end; end.
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Działało w starszych Turbo Paskalach.