Nadesłany przez Tomasz Lubiński, 22 lipca 2009 01:00
Kod przedstawiony poniżej przedstawia główną część rozwiązania problemu.Pobierz pełne rozwiązanie.
Jeżeli nie odpowiada Ci sposób formatowania kodu przez autora skorzystaj z pretty printer'a i dostosuj go automatycznie do siebie.
Fraktale - zbior Bird Of Prey - Delphi/Bird_Of_Prey.pas:
// Fraktale - zbior Drapiezny ptak (Bird of prey) wyzsze rzedy plonacego statku // // Tomasz Lubinski (c) 2009 unit Bird_Of_Prey; interface uses Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, StdCtrls, ExtCtrls, Math; type TForm1 = class(TForm) Fractal: TImage; Label1: TLabel; Label2: TLabel; Selection: TShape; Label3: TLabel; minx: TEdit; maxx: TEdit; miny: TEdit; maxy: TEdit; Button1: TButton; Label6: TLabel; Label5: TLabel; Button2: TButton; powerLevel: TComboBox; procedure Button1Click(Sender: TObject); procedure FormCreate(Sender: TObject); procedure FractalMouseDown(Sender: TObject; Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer); procedure FractalMouseUp(Sender: TObject; Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer); procedure FractalMouseMove(Sender: TObject; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer); private { Private declarations } public { Public declarations } end; //type for complex numbers type complex_t = record real: Extended; imaginary: Extended; end; PPixelRec = ^TPixelRec; TPixelRec = packed record B: Byte; G: Byte; R: Byte; Reserved: Byte; end; var Form1: TForm1; implementation {$R *.DFM} var //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- //Describes places to render ratioX, ratioY :Extended; min_X, min_Y, max_X, max_Y :Extended; downX, downY: Integer; //colors colors: array[1..120] of TPixelRec; //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- //for HSV colors procedure hsv2rgb(hue: double; sat: double; val: double; var red: double; var grn: double; var blu: double); var i, f, p, q, t: double; begin red := 0; grn := 0; blu := 0; if val=0 then begin red := 0; grn := 0; blu := 0; end else begin hue := hue/60; i := floor(hue); f := hue-i; p := val*(1-sat); q := val*(1-(sat*f)); t := val*(1-(sat*(1-f))); if i=0 then begin red:=val; grn:=t; blu:=p; end else if i=1 then begin red:=q; grn:=val; blu:=p; end else if i=2 then begin red:=p; grn:=val; blu:=t; end else if i=3 then begin red:=p; grn:=q; blu:=val; end else if i=4 then begin red:=t; grn:=p; blu:=val; end else if i=5 then begin red:=val; grn:=p; blu:=q; end; end; end; procedure initializeColors(); var i: Integer; r, g, b: double; begin for i:=low(colors) to high(colors) do begin HSV2RGB(40, 0.8, 0.208*ln(i), r, g, b); colors[i].r := Round(r*255); colors[i].g := Round(g*255); colors[i].b := Round(b*255); end; colors[120].r := 0; colors[120].g := 0; colors[120].b := 0; end; //calculate squared modus of given complex c function complexModSq(c: complex_t): Extended; begin Result := c.real*c.real + c.imaginary*c.imaginary; end; //function f(p)=0 function f(p: complex_t): complex_t; begin Result.real := 0; Result.imaginary := 0; end; //function g(z) = (|Re{z[n]}| + i|Im{z[n]|)^level + p function g(z: complex_t; level: Integer; p: complex_t): complex_t; var i: Integer; tmp: complex_t; begin z.real := Abs(z.real); z.imaginary := Abs(z.imaginary); Result := z; for i:=1 to level-1 do begin tmp.real := result.real*z.real - result.imaginary*z.imaginary; tmp.imaginary := result.real*z.imaginary + result.imaginary*z.real; result := tmp; end; Result.real := Result.real + p.real; Result.imaginary := Result.imaginary + p.imaginary; end; //value is inside set in the returned level function levelSet(p: complex_t; level: Integer): Integer; var z: complex_t; iteration: Integer; begin iteration := 0; z := f(p); repeat z := g(z, level, p); iteration := iteration + 1; until ((complexModSq(z) > 4) or (iteration > 120)); Result := iteration; end; procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); var i, j, level, powLevel: Integer; p: complex_t; pixel: PPixelRec; begin min_X := StrToFloat(minx.Text); min_Y := StrToFloat(miny.Text); max_X := StrToFloat(maxx.Text); max_Y := StrToFloat(maxy.Text); powLevel := powerLevel.ItemIndex + 2; ratioX := (max_X - min_X) / Fractal.Width; ratioY := (max_Y - min_Y) / Fractal.Height; Fractal.Canvas.Brush.Color := clWhite; Fractal.Canvas.Rectangle(0, 0, Fractal.Width, Fractal.Height); Fractal.Picture.Bitmap.PixelFormat := pf32Bit; for i:=0 to Fractal.Height-1 do begin pixel := Fractal.Picture.Bitmap.ScanLine[i]; p.imaginary := i*ratioY + min_Y; for j:=0 to Fractal.Width-1 do begin p.real := j*ratioX + min_X; level := levelSet(p, powLevel); pixel.r := colors[level].r; pixel.g := colors[level].g; pixel.b := colors[level].b; Inc(pixel); end; end; Fractal.Refresh(); end; procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject); begin minx.Text := FloatToStr(-2); maxx.Text := FloatToStr(1.5); miny.Text := FloatToStr(-2); maxy.Text := FloatToStr(1.5); min_X := StrToFloat(minx.Text); min_Y := StrToFloat(miny.Text); max_X := StrToFloat(maxx.Text); max_Y := StrToFloat(maxy.Text); ratioX := (max_X - min_X) / Fractal.Width; ratioY := (max_Y - min_Y) / Fractal.Height; powerLevel.ItemIndex := 1; //initialize colors initializeColors(); //render new fractal Button1Click(Sender); end; procedure TForm1.FractalMouseDown(Sender: TObject; Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer); begin downX := X; downY := Y; Selection.Width := 0; Selection.Height := 0; Selection.Visible := true; end; procedure TForm1.FractalMouseUp(Sender: TObject; Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer); begin //remove selection Selection.Visible := false; //get new range to render minx.Text := FloatToStr(min(downX, X)*ratioX + min_X); maxx.Text := FloatToStr(max(downX, X)*ratioX + min_X); miny.Text := FloatToStr(min(downY, Y)*ratioY + min_Y); maxy.Text := FloatToStr(max(downY, Y)*ratioY + min_Y); min_X := StrToFloat(minx.Text); min_Y := StrToFloat(miny.Text); max_X := StrToFloat(maxx.Text); max_Y := StrToFloat(maxy.Text); //render new fractal Button1Click(Sender); end; procedure TForm1.FractalMouseMove(Sender: TObject; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer); begin //if left mouse button is held then draw selection if (ssLeft in Shift) then begin Selection.Width := abs(downX - X); Selection.Height := abs(downY - Y); Selection.Left := Fractal.Left + min(downX, X); Selection.Top := Fractal.Top + min(downY, Y); end; end; end.